about basebridge coaching

Basebridge Coaching is a space dedicated to support faculty advancing in higher education so they can thrive and excel at what they do.

We understand that academia is demanding and institutions often offer inadequate support to ensure faculty have all the guidance and resources they need to reach their full potential.

We therefore provide professional coaching for faculty at all stages of their career that:

  • Increase productivity

  • Develop leadership and expertise

  • Improve work-life balance

Our professional coaching set faculty up with the long-term skills they need for thriving in a complex and demanding career.

meet our founder

Brie Oaks is a tenured professor and certified professional coach who has helped numerous faculty members develop the strategies they need to succeed and thrive in academia.

After years of watching her colleagues across universities struggle with being overworked and overwhelmed, Brie received training as a professional coach with the goal of supporting faculty who are experiencing increasing demands but not receiving the strategies that help.

She is one of the few individuals out there that is a certified professional coach and can apply it to the unique hardships and complexities of working in academia.